Permanent Jewelry

Permanent Jewelry

Permanent jewelry at Ink by Britt is an increasingly popular trend that involves implanting small, decorative metal or gemstone pieces under the skin. Also known as dermal piercings, these unique and eye-catching pieces of jewelry offer a more permanent alternative to traditional piercings. In this blog post, we'll explore what permanent jewelry is, its benefits, and some important considerations for those considering getting one.

What is Permanent Jewelry?

Permanent jewelry, also known as dermal piercings, involves the implantation of a small metal or gemstone piece under the skin. The jewelry is anchored in place by a small post, which is inserted into a small hole created in the skin using a dermal punch. The end result is a unique, eye-catching piece of jewelry that appears to be embedded directly into the skin.

Benefits of Permanent Jewelry

There are several benefits to choosing permanent jewelry over traditional piercings:

  1. Unique and Eye-Catching - Permanent jewelry is a great way to express your individuality and stand out from the crowd. These pieces are unique and eye-catching, and they're sure to draw attention wherever you go.

  2. More Permanent - Unlike traditional piercings, which can close up over time if left without jewelry, permanent jewelry is designed to be more permanent. Once implanted, the jewelry can last for years, making it a great option for those who want a more permanent form of self-expression.

  3. Versatile - Permanent jewelry can be implanted almost anywhere on the body, which makes it a versatile option for those looking to accessorize. From the face to the feet, there's no shortage of places where you can add a dermal piercing.

Important Considerations for Getting Permanent Jewelry

While permanent jewelry can be a great way to express yourself, there are some important considerations to keep in mind before getting one:

  1. Potential for Infection - As with any type of piercing, there is a risk of infection with permanent jewelry. It's important to choose a reputable piercer who follows proper hygiene and sterilization procedures to minimize this risk.

  2. Healing Time - Permanent jewelry can take longer to heal than traditional piercings, which means you'll need to take extra care during the healing process. This may include avoiding certain activities or using specialized aftercare products.

  3. Removal - While permanent jewelry is designed to be more permanent than traditional piercings, it can still be removed if needed. However, the removal process can be more complicated than with traditional piercings, so it's important to choose a skilled piercer who can safely remove the jewelry if necessary.


Permanent jewelry is a unique and eye-catching form of self-expression that offers a more permanent alternative to traditional piercings. While there are some important considerations to keep in mind before getting one, with the right piercer and aftercare, a dermal piercing can be a great way to showcase your individuality and stand out from the crowd. If you're considering getting permanent jewelry, be sure to do your research and choose a reputable piercer who can guide you through the process and help you achieve the look you want.

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